Back pain is a common issue around the world because of health, genetics, and environmental factors. Heavy use of the back throughout a working person's life is likely to cause strains, breaks, and wearing of the discs. Even an office worker may not seem at risk of such a problem, but in fact, could suffer from many of the same symptoms due to stress and sitting for long hours in an unnatural position. We also have a unique problem today that has slowly been rising in numbers, and that is the issue of obesity. Excess pounds on a bodies frame can cause extra pressure to be placed on all areas and joints of the body, including the spine. Eventually, this wear and stress will get to the person and can cause a recurring pain. While doctors can recommend fixes such as exercise, healthy diet, physical therapy, and medication, some of these issues may have gone beyond the point of repair to where the individual considers spinal fusion surgery Baltimore.
Weighing the Benefits of Spinal Fusion Surgery Baltimore
Spinal fusion is performed as a last resort after all other options have been tried. Surgery on any area of the body does pose risks, and the spine is no different, but a failed surgery could put an individual in bed for weeks, months, or even cripple the,m for life, so it isn't something that doctors recommend to consider lightly. The other issue with spinal fusion surgeries is that they are a one-time thing. If it does not fix the back pain, the bones will already have grown together and is irreversible for the most part. If unsuccessful in treating the condition it could unintentionally even cause more discomfort to the patient. If successful though a spinal fusion can provide worlds of relief to those suffering from common ailments of the back.
Rubbing or worn away discs can be painful and will not grow back throughout the years. Instead, they will continue to disintegrate. For patients who are long-time sufferers of extreme scoliosis, back surgery can also be a life changer in straightening out their spine and allowing them to walk and even perform other day-to-day activities that they could not previously partake in. Although there are possible drawbacks, the benefits of spinal fusion Baltimore make it hard not consider when dealing with back pain.