Saturday, May 18, 2019

Urgent Care Adams Morgan

Things to know about urgent care Adams Morgan facilities

People always think of serious accidents and injuries when it comes to visiting urgent care facilities, but these places are also great for things that are simple health concerns, too. Urgent care Adams Morgan locations are staffed and equipped to deal with all different types of health concerns no matter what the underlying issues may be. When should people visit an urgent care facility? The short answer is that people often choose to seek treatment from urgent care facilities when they want to get quick, reliable care. The following list is just a small sampling of some of the most common reasons behind urgent care visits.

Urgent Care Adams Morgan: For more than just emergencies

- Cold and flu visits are some of the most commonly reported types of appointments that patients make in urgent care facilities. Since it’s hard to tell what a person is actually suffering from with common symptoms of both things, an accurate diagnosis is essential. While not much can be done for a cold, doctors can prescribe medication to take care of the flu.
- A sore throat is often another reason that people choose to visit urgent care locations. This might sound silly, but there are a lot of illnesses that feature a sore throat as a symptom. Things like mono, strep throat, and even the flu or a cold could be the cause.
- No one wants to have pink eye, but unfortunately, it’s common. This is a condition that needs to be properly diagnosed so that the right treatment can be recommended. This is a condition that often will go away on its own, but there can be many additional side effects that should be addressed, too.
- UTIs (urinary tract infectons) are a bacterial infection that impacts the lives of women, and needs to be treated in order to improve it. UTIs are treated using antibiotics, and since it can take such a long time to schedule and attend an appointment in a traditional hospital, sometimes urgent care is the right choice.
- Insect bites and unexplained rashes can also drive people to go to prompt care Adams Morgan locations. These are usually treated using topical ointments or steroid pills, but in order to figure out exactly what the cause is, medical expertise is needed. In some cases, a rash can be an indicator of another underlying condition, so getting to the bottom of that is important too.

To learn more about reasons that people visit urgent care locations, visit

Friday, March 29, 2019

Total Hip Replacement Doctor Baltimore

A damaged hip joint can make everyday activities such as walking and sitting a challenge.  When the damage and pain is severe, it may need treatment from a total hip replacement doctor Baltimore.

Total hip replacement doctor Baltimore treats different conditions

There are many different conditions that may need a treatment such as total hip replacement Baltimore, including:
  • Osteoarthritis: This chronic disease causes the breakdown of joint cartilage.
  • Other forms of arthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common type to affect the hip, but other types of arthritis can also cause hip pain.
  • Fractures: A hip fracture is when there is a break in the top part of the femur.
  • Avascular necrosis: This is when part of the bone dies due to lack of blood supply.
Symptoms that you may have one of these conditions and may need hip replacement surgery Baltimore MD include:
  • Hip pain
  • Stiffness in the hip
  • Limited movement in the hip
  • Grinding feeling when the joint is moved
  • Difficulty standing or walking
Depending on the severity of your condition, your hip replacement doctor Baltimore MD may try other treatments before recommending total hip replacement Baltimore MD.  Your doctor will determine the cause of your hip pain and the severity based on your symptoms, your medical history, a physical exam, and imaging tests.  Non-surgical treatments that your hip replacement doctor Baltimore MD may recommend can include: exercises, medicine, physical therapy, heat treatment, and weight loss.

Total hip replacement Baltimore MD

If your condition is serious and non-surgical treatments do not provide relief, your hip replacement doctor Baltimore MD may recommend total hip replacement Baltimore.  During this procedure, your hip replacement doctor Baltimore removes the damaged parts of your hip and replaces them with artificial parts.  The top of your femur is removed and replaced with a ball on a stem.  The socket part of the joint in your pelvis is also removed and is replaced with a cup.  These artificial parts are covered in a material that allows them to move smoothly like a healthy, natural joint.  You can learn more about total hip replacement surgery Baltimore and find a hip replacement doctor Baltimore MD by visiting

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Total Knee Replacement Doctor Baltimore and ACL Doctor

Your knee is made up of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments that hold it steady while allowing it to move and bear weight.  Damage to different parts of the knee joint may need treatment from a ligament repair doctor or a total knee replacement doctor Baltimore.

Total knee replacement Baltimore MD

During total knee replacement surgery Baltimore, a damaged knee joint is removed and replaced with an artificial one.  The most common condition to need treatment from a knee replacement doctor Baltimore MD is osteoarthritis.  The bones of your knee joint are covered in cartilage to protect them and absorb shock.  Osteoarthrosis is a degenerative joint disease that causes the breakdown of cartilage.  When it happens in the knee joint, it can lead to pain and limited range of motion and may need total knee replacement surgery Baltimore.

Total knee replacement doctor Baltimore evaluates damage

Your knee replacement doctor Baltimore will help decide if knee replacement surgery Baltimore is right for you based on the severity of your symptoms.  Your knee replacement doctor Baltimore MD may also do imaging tests such as x-rays to determine the extent of the damage to your joint.  Before recommending a total knee replacement Baltimore, your doctor will likely recommend trying non-surgical treatments such as medicines and assistive devices.

Knee ligament damage

Four main ligaments limit motion and provide stability for your knee.  The one that is most often injured is called the ACL.  ACL injuries usually occur due to a sudden twisting motion or a blow to the knee.  Symptoms of an ACL injury can include a popping sound and the knee bucking.  Sometimes an injured ACL needs to be surgically replaced or repaired.
Like a knee replacement doctor Baltimore MD, your ligament repair doctor may use diagnostic tests to determine the extent of the injury before recommending surgery.  Often, knee ligament injuries are diagnosed using a procedure called arthroscopy.  This includes threading a tube with a light and a camera into your knee joint so your doctor can see the damage.  You can learn more about ACL repair and total knee replacement surgery Baltimore MD by visiting

Monday, March 25, 2019

Procedure for Severe Back Pain Baltimore MD can Treat Different Conditions

Conditions that can cause back pain include scoliosis, spinal stenosis, and a herniated disc.  When these conditions become severe, they sometimes require a surgical procedure for severe back pain Baltimore MD called spinal fusion.

Spinal fusion Baltimore MD

Your spinal column is made up of small bones called vertebrae that are separated by spongy discs.  The discs allow flexibility of the spine while preventing vertebrae from rubbing against each other.  When a condition causes the vertebrae to move more than they should, doctors may need to fuse small vertebrae together Baltimore MD.  During this procedure to heal painful small back bones Baltimore MD, two or more vertebrae are connected using a bone graft or an artificial bone-like substance so they can no longer move.

Scoliosis sometimes needs procedure for severe back pain Baltimore MD

Although the spine should have a natural curve when viewed from the side, it should appear straight when viewed from behind.  Scoliosis is when the spine has a side-to-side curvature.  This condition, which sometimes needs a procedure for severe back pain Baltimore MD, can affect the mid and lower spine.  It can make the shoulders look uneven and make it appear that a person is leaning to the side.  If the curve is severe, it may require the fusion of small back bones Baltimore MD or another procedure to heal painful small back bones Baltimore MD.

Spinal stenosis and the fusion of small back bones Baltimore MD

Spinal stenosis is when the spinal canal narrows and pinches nerves.  It is often caused by old age and normal wear and tear.  The most common symptoms of spinal stenosis are back and leg pain.  Your doctor will most likely try to treat these symptoms with non-surgical treatments first, but if those do not work a surgeon may need to fuse small vertebrae together Baltimore MD.

Herniated disc may need procedure for severe back pain Baltimore MD

A herniated disc is when the spongy disc in between the vertebrae bulges or ruptures.  This can press on nerve roots, causing symptoms such as back pain, muscle spasms, muscle weakness, and numbness.  If non-surgical treatments do not provide relief, you may need a procedure to heal painful small back bones Baltimore MD that removes the herniate disc.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Spinal Fusion Baltimore MD for Severe Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem, and when it becomes severe it may need a surgical treatment such as spinal fusion Baltimore MD.

Spinal fusion Baltimore MD

When a spinal fusion doctor Baltimore MD does a procedure to fuse small vertebrae together Baltimore MD, he or she connects 2 or more vertebrae.  This is accomplished using a bone graft or an artificial bone-like substance and is reinforced with metal plates and screws.  This procedure for severe back pain Baltimore MD can provide relief because sometimes severe back pain is caused by vertebrae moving more than they should.

Conditions that may require a procedure to heal painful small back bones Baltimore MD

The fusion of small back bones Baltimore MD can be an effective treatment for many types of back problems, including:
  • Spinal stenosis: This is when the spinal canal is narrowed.
  • Herniated disc: When disc tissue breaks down, disc material can bulge into the spinal canal.
  • Scoliosis: The back should appear straight when viewed from behind.  Scoliosis is when the back has a side-to-side curve.
  • Osteoarthritis: When the joints and cartilage in the spine are damaged, it can lead to severe back pain that may need the fusion of small back bones Baltimore MD.
Your spinal fusion doctor Baltimore MD will diagnose the cause of your back pain with a review of your medical history, physical exam, and imaging tests.

Before the fusion of small back bones Baltimore MD

Depending on the severity of your condition, it is likely that your spinal fusion doctor Baltimore MD will try non-surgical treatments before he or she does a procedure to fuse small back bones Baltimore MD.  Initial treatments can include:
  • Pain medicine
  • Physical therapy
  • Weight management
  • Activity changes
  • Education on proper body mechanics
  • Support device such as braces

Fusion of small back bones Baltimore MD

If non-surgical treatments do not provide relief, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to fuse small vertebrae together Baltimore MD.  Sometimes, a spinal fusion doctor Baltimore MD can do this procedure to heal painful small back bones using a minimally invasive technique.  Minimally invasive surgery uses smaller incisions which can have a shorter recovery time.  Visit to learn more about this procedure for severe back pain Baltimore MD.

Monday, February 25, 2019

The Cost of a Procedure for Severe Back Pain Baltimore MD

When considering the cost of a certain medical procedure, it is easy to over-simplify the question and just look at how much the surgeon will charge.  Even at this level, it is obvious that costs in addition to the surgeon's fee will accrue during treatment.  There is usually a fee for the operating room, salaries for nurses and other technicians, administrative overhead, and, of course, a few thousand dollars for each day of recovery the patient spends in the hospital.  Spinal fusion surgery is a very expensive procedure for severe back pain Baltimore MD.  This type of surgery is estimated to cost around $115,000 for all of the expenses related only to the actual procedure and hospital stay.

The Cost of Severe Back Pain Baltimore:  More than the Price of Surgery

Having a serious back surgery is costly, over and above fees for surgery and directly related hospital care.  Many individuals who have been suffering from chronic pain related to a spinal condition have been suffering for months or years.  It is a misconception that back pain only occurs in the back.  The spinal column contains the spinal cord, which, along with the brain, comprises the central nervous system.  There are many important nerve structures directly attached to the spinal cord.  Compromising any of these structures can lead not only to pain at the site of the compromise, but also in the upper- (arms, shoulders) or lower- (legs, feet) extremities containing these attached nerve structures.  Related pain in the arms or legs can further limit the ability for the individual to consistently go to work, earn money, and build an increasingly lucrative career path.

Many other costs are related to the need for a procedure for severe back pain Baltimore:
  • It may be necessary to travel in order to receive the best care.  Car rentals and hotel nights can add up very quickly.
  • The recovery period following a spinal fusion surgery can take up to two years (although six months is a bit more common for otherwise healthy individuals).  During this time, it may be necessary to pay for extra help with yard work, shopping, and other assorted needs.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Things to consider when thinking about hip replacement Baltimore

Hip replacement Baltimore can help, but how?

- Hip surgery Baltimore is meant to help patients remove the aches and pains that are associated with deteriorating hip joints by replacing them with artificial ones. The artificial joints are long lasting and not prone to the same types of issues that natural joints are.

- Since hip pain can keep people from doing the things that they love, getting the replacement can go a long way toward making people much more comfortable and capable. For more information on this, visit

- A hip replacement surgery Baltimore MD is meant to allow people to get back to doing the things that they love, but this takes time. The healing process after a hip surgery Baltimore can take months, and will require attention to detail, physical therapy and patience, but it’s totally worth it, according to many former patients.

- Even though the procedure can do a lot of good, many people choose to wait until things have gotten worse, because of the lengthy time required for it to heal. The hip replacement Baltimore process means time off from work, time off from daily routines and even time off from hobbies and travel, but isn’t this worth it in the end?

- The hip replacement surgery will make it necessary for people to think more carefully about how they behave; this means being careful when moving, sitting, standing, laying down and even exercising. Since it is an artificial hip - and totally smooth - the risk of dislocation is increased, which means that people need to be more observant throughout the remainder of their lives in order to preserve their surgically repaired joint.

- Hip surgery can make people feel much younger and less depressed. Pain in the body can make people feel older, uncomfortable throughout their daily lives, and just unhappy. Why not change this? The surgery is an invasive one, but it’s considered a generally safe surgery. This means that while it has the potential to change a person’s life a great deal, it’s not something that patients should be overly worried about.

- No one can control what happens within their bodies. People that take great care of themselves - eating right, sleeping well, exercising - can often find themselves experiencing health issues like bone deterioration or density issues which result in the need for things like hip surgery. What people can control, though, is what they choose to do in order to promote better health and change the course of their lives after a problem has been identified.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

What is spinal fusion Baltimore?

The process of spinal fusion surgery is done in order to help patients strengthen the spine by “linking” vertebrae together. This is done via a simple surgery that uses the insertion of pins into the bones while they graft together. Though this is done on many different areas of the back when necessary, most patients will only need to focus on small sections. This type of surgery restricts movement, but at the same can be useful for those that have experienced things like deteriorating bones, spinal injuries or health issues that affect the spine.

Spinal fusion Baltimore is a surgery that has the potential to correct many issues for patients, but it will require a lot of patience by those that are healing from it, since it’s on a delicate area of the body. Basically every bodily movement involves the spine, so being mindful of the healing process is very important.

Spinal fusion Baltimore recovery period

As with all types of surgery, patients will notice that when things are progressing as they should be, they will feel less pain and discomfort as time passes. The wound on the surface is not the only one that will need to heal, which is something that many people often forget. In fact, this is a procedure that promotes new bone growth within the spinal column, and anyone that has dealt with a broken and re-growing bone will know that this takes time.
Most pain will dissipate after about a month, but some people will feel a marked improvement much sooner. The human body heals at different rates depending on overall health, so there’s no concrete timeline.

During the healing process after spinal fusion surgery Baltimore, patients will need to take it easy in order to ensure that they don’t re-injure the surgical site. Things like bending, twisting and heavy lifting (anything over 12-15 pounds) should be avoided for at least a month, but it will be up to the medical professional when the restrictions are lifted.

Once things can be reintroduced into the daily routine, patients will be able to slowly get back to normal. This means returning to work, taking care of the home, and even starting physical therapy. The physical therapy is very important for spinal fusion surgery patients because it will help them be more mindful of their actions and behaviors, even after the surgical site has completely healed and the fusion is completed.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Spinal Fusion Surgery Baltimore

One of the most popular interventions for chronic pain resulting from spinal conditions is spinal fusion surgery Baltimore.  While this sounds like a very technical and complicated operation (and, it is for the surgeons who specialize in it), it is actually very easy to understand.

What Happens During Spinal Fusion Surgery Baltimore MD?

Before being able to fully understand this surgical procedure, it is necessary to understand a little bit about the structure of the spine.  The rigid, bony part is made up of a stack of small bones, called vertebrae.  Each vertebrae has an open passage in its middle, which accommodates the spinal cord.  The spinal cord is one half of the central nervous system, with the brain making up the other half.  Many other important nerve structures are attached to the spinal cord.  These run throughout the entire body, allowing the arms, legs, hands, fingers, feet and other body parts to perceive sensation and move in response to various brain functions.

When an injury occurs, or a degenerative bone disease develops, it can alter the position of one or more vertebrae, subsequently placing pressure on an important nerve.  The result is pain in the back or another body part connected to the impacted nerve structure.

Spinal fusion procedures Baltimore can sometimes offer a solution to these types of chronic pain by stabilizing the vertebrae.  As suggested by the name of the procedure, the surgery seeks to fuse two or more vertebrae into a single piece of bone.  The objective is to decrease pathological movement of the spine, resulting in the cessation of unnecessary compression of nerve structure.  It requires the use of bone grafting material which can be obtained either from another surgical site on the patient's own body, or from a deceased organ donor.  Rods, screws, and other medical hardware are used to stabilize the spine until the graft has time to fully fuse the vertebrae.

The fusion surgery is by no means a panacea for anyone with spine-related chronic pain.  It is really only an option for those who have tried all of the less-invasive treatment options without adequate relief.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Talking about Recovery with Your Spinal Fusion Doctor Baltimore

According to orthopedic surgeons who specialize in spinal fusion surgeries, patient selection is really key to obtaining good outcomes.  This is not to say that surgeons actively turn away patients who are poorer candidates for the surgery because they want their outcome numbers to look better.  It is more the case that offering this intervention to a patient for whom it is not well-suited can be useless for the patient, or even detrimental to their overall well-being.  The spinal fusion doctor Baltimore knows that this type of surgery is very safe from the perspective of mortality.  Less than one percent of patients have life-threatening complications from it each year in the United States.  The biggest risk is actually clinical failure, which simply means that the patient's pain and mobility issues are insufficiently resolved post-recovery.

Are You a Good Candidate for Spinal Fusion Surgery Baltimore MD?

If you are someone who suffers from back pain, particularly in the lower (lumbar) back area, and you have exhausted non- or minimally-invasive treatments to address your chronic pain, you may start to ask yourself if you would be helped by surgery.  There are two major factors that play into making someone a "good risk" for a fusion surgery.  The first of these is diagnosis.  There is not a whole lot you can do about your diagnosis.  But, it is important to make sure your medical team does an MRI scan to differentiate diagnoses that can benefit from surgery from those that cannot.  Degenerative disc disease is one of the most common diagnoses that justify a fusion surgery.

The second factor, commitment to recovery, is something over which you have more control.  This type of surgery requires a recovery period of three to six months, and sometimes as much as a year and a half.  Much of this time has to be spent in therapeutic activities to help the spine function properly post-fusion.  Patients who have the time, energy and desire to commit to this intensive kind of recovery program have the best outcomes.  Getting ready by being as healthy and fit as you can will increase your odds of being approved for, and having, a successful surgery.

Learn more about recovery from spinal fusion surgery Baltimore by clicking here.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Choosing a Total Hip Replacement Doctor Baltimore

So, you are one of a million or more people in the world who choose to have a total hip replacement surgery Baltimore every year.  Congratulations on making a decision about going forward to what will most likely be a much improved and enjoyable quality of life.  Of course, your journey does not end with making this decision.  It is now time to find the best possible total hip replacement doctor Baltimore.  This short article is intended to help you begin the search process.

Facts about Hip Replacement Surgery and Surgeons Baltimore MD
  • A variety of different medical research studies suggest that the best qualification your surgeon can have is doing a large volume of hip replacement surgeries each year.  A revision surgery is sometimes needed if there are complications with the initial procedure.  This is, of course, something you will be hoping to avoid as a patient.  Research suggests that surgeons who do 50 or more hip joint replacements yearly have patients who need a revision in only .7% of their total cases.  The revision rate jumps to 1.3% of patients annually when the surgeon performs between six and 25 procedures annually.
  • As the person whose body will undergo the hip replacement Baltimore procedure, you have the right to express your goals for the treatment and discuss with your doctor whether or not they are realistic.  Goals vary widely from one patient to another.  You may wish to stop taking pain medications because you fear addiction, or for other reasons.  Maybe you gave up golfing a few years ago because the pain was just too much and you miss this favorite hobby.  Some folks just want to be able to tie their own sneakers and go for a short walk.  Whatever problems in your life you would like your surgery to solve, be sure to let your doctor know.  They can tell you (approximately) how good your prospects are before you commit to anything.
  • Finally, make sure to check your doctor's credentials and licensing for your state (or the state where you might have surgery).  While it seems very unlikely that an unqualified physician has slipped into practice illegally, it does sometimes happen.

Monday, January 28, 2019

What Does the Hip Replacement Doctor Baltimore Do?

Many people who are interested in a career in medicine aim for some of the most highly-skilled jobs, such as cardiologist or surgeon, at least initially.  The hip replacement doctor Baltimore is going to be someone who is trained and licensed to practice as an orthopedic surgeon.  Some orthopedic surgeons have their own private practices and perform many types of bone and cartilage surgeries.  Others are affiliated with certain clinical groups that include hospital and operating facilities.  These may also have wrap-around services like physical therapy and home health services.

Facts about Hip Replacement Doctors Baltimore MD
  • Orthopedic surgeons have to train for up to a decade in order to become qualified to practice surgery.  Their education begins with earning an undergraduate degree, usually in some kind of physical or biological science.  A four year medical school program is next, and then a general medical residency.  Following residency, surgeons participate in a one to two year fellowship that trains them, hands on, to do the orthopedic surgeries that will become their specialties.
  • Out of all the surgical professions, orthopedic surgeons may have less stress than other surgeons.  Orthopedic surgeries have become very safe over the past thirty years or so, with less than one percent of patients experiencing life-threatening complications.  The patient satisfaction rate with hip replacement doctors Baltimore MD (  is also quite high at about 85% nationally.
  • Orthopedic surgeons who are affiliated with medical systems having a unit dedicated to only hip replacement surgeries may experience less stress than other hip surgeons.  These types of clinical units are designed to offer the doctor, the patient, and the rest of the medical team as much support as possible for the specific purpose of achieving good hip replacement outcomes.
  • Not everyone is cut out for the many years to training, testing, and licensing necessary to become a fully qualified orthopedic surgeon.  Those who still wish to be a part of this field of medicine may very well find satisfying and completely respectable careers as physical therapists, sports medicine professionals, or speciality nurses.  A career in this field would be for anyone who enjoys helping folks reduce pain and increase mobility.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Things to Know before Seeing a Knee Replacement Doctor Baltimore

Knee replacement surgery Baltimore MD ( is one of the most common procedures performed in the United States today.  Like other orthopedic surgeries, it is incredibly safe, with less than 1% of surgical patients having a life-threatening complication.  The outcomes for total knee replacement Baltimore are also quite good, with over 90% of those having had the procedure reporting increased mobility and flexibility, and satisfaction with having met their treatment goals.
Facts about Knee Replacement Baltimore
While orthopedic treatment teams are generally more than happy to answer any questions for new patients, it is always helpful to know a little bit of basic information before seeing the knee replacement doctor Baltimore for the first time.  Here are a few facts about the surgery:
  • This operation is intended to replace damaged parts of the knee joint with artificial parts.  Most often, the entire knee joint will be replaced.
  • Surgery may be recommended in cases where problems with the knee joint make it difficult to perform everyday activities, the pain in the knees interrupts a restful night of sleep, and when the knee has significant physical defects such as bowing.
  • Except in cases of a traumatic injury to the knee, less invasive treatment methods will be tried before surgery.  These include such interventions as physical therapy and medication.
  • Prior to surgery, the patient's medical history will be taken, carefully noting any conditions that might interfere with the procedure or recovery in any way.  The history will include a list of all current medications and a careful history of any previous issues during surgery or general anesthesia.
  • This particular joint replacement surgery has become so advanced that it is often done on an outpatient basis.  Patients who are admitted to the hospital stay only one to four days.
  • There are two types of anesthesia used for knee replacement Baltimore operations.  The first is general anesthesia, meaning that the patient is completely unconscious for the surgery.  The second is a spinal block, which leaves the patient awake, but unable to feel anything below the waist.  General anesthesia is most common.