Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Things to Know before Seeing a Knee Replacement Doctor Baltimore

Knee replacement surgery Baltimore MD ( is one of the most common procedures performed in the United States today.  Like other orthopedic surgeries, it is incredibly safe, with less than 1% of surgical patients having a life-threatening complication.  The outcomes for total knee replacement Baltimore are also quite good, with over 90% of those having had the procedure reporting increased mobility and flexibility, and satisfaction with having met their treatment goals.
Facts about Knee Replacement Baltimore
While orthopedic treatment teams are generally more than happy to answer any questions for new patients, it is always helpful to know a little bit of basic information before seeing the knee replacement doctor Baltimore for the first time.  Here are a few facts about the surgery:
  • This operation is intended to replace damaged parts of the knee joint with artificial parts.  Most often, the entire knee joint will be replaced.
  • Surgery may be recommended in cases where problems with the knee joint make it difficult to perform everyday activities, the pain in the knees interrupts a restful night of sleep, and when the knee has significant physical defects such as bowing.
  • Except in cases of a traumatic injury to the knee, less invasive treatment methods will be tried before surgery.  These include such interventions as physical therapy and medication.
  • Prior to surgery, the patient's medical history will be taken, carefully noting any conditions that might interfere with the procedure or recovery in any way.  The history will include a list of all current medications and a careful history of any previous issues during surgery or general anesthesia.
  • This particular joint replacement surgery has become so advanced that it is often done on an outpatient basis.  Patients who are admitted to the hospital stay only one to four days.
  • There are two types of anesthesia used for knee replacement Baltimore operations.  The first is general anesthesia, meaning that the patient is completely unconscious for the surgery.  The second is a spinal block, which leaves the patient awake, but unable to feel anything below the waist.  General anesthesia is most common.

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