Saturday, May 18, 2019

Urgent Care Adams Morgan

Things to know about urgent care Adams Morgan facilities

People always think of serious accidents and injuries when it comes to visiting urgent care facilities, but these places are also great for things that are simple health concerns, too. Urgent care Adams Morgan locations are staffed and equipped to deal with all different types of health concerns no matter what the underlying issues may be. When should people visit an urgent care facility? The short answer is that people often choose to seek treatment from urgent care facilities when they want to get quick, reliable care. The following list is just a small sampling of some of the most common reasons behind urgent care visits.

Urgent Care Adams Morgan: For more than just emergencies

- Cold and flu visits are some of the most commonly reported types of appointments that patients make in urgent care facilities. Since it’s hard to tell what a person is actually suffering from with common symptoms of both things, an accurate diagnosis is essential. While not much can be done for a cold, doctors can prescribe medication to take care of the flu.
- A sore throat is often another reason that people choose to visit urgent care locations. This might sound silly, but there are a lot of illnesses that feature a sore throat as a symptom. Things like mono, strep throat, and even the flu or a cold could be the cause.
- No one wants to have pink eye, but unfortunately, it’s common. This is a condition that needs to be properly diagnosed so that the right treatment can be recommended. This is a condition that often will go away on its own, but there can be many additional side effects that should be addressed, too.
- UTIs (urinary tract infectons) are a bacterial infection that impacts the lives of women, and needs to be treated in order to improve it. UTIs are treated using antibiotics, and since it can take such a long time to schedule and attend an appointment in a traditional hospital, sometimes urgent care is the right choice.
- Insect bites and unexplained rashes can also drive people to go to prompt care Adams Morgan locations. These are usually treated using topical ointments or steroid pills, but in order to figure out exactly what the cause is, medical expertise is needed. In some cases, a rash can be an indicator of another underlying condition, so getting to the bottom of that is important too.

To learn more about reasons that people visit urgent care locations, visit