Several hundred thousand people have successful total hip replacement Baltimore MD surgeries every year in the United States. While complications with this kind of surgery are always a possibility, they are certainly not statistically likely. There are, however, a few things you can do before your surgery to make sure that your recovery is as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Things to Do Before Hip Replacement Baltimore
- Buy a reaching aid and learn how to use it. This is a simple device that extends your reach by putting a clamping device at the end of an extension. You can open and close the clamp using a squeezable trigger that is located in the hand grip. Any orthopedic supply store or website would have these for just a few dollars. Many compounding pharmacies carry them also.

- Get railings and hand grips installed in your home. Railings are useful for making stairs and uneven surfaces safe for everyone, whether they are recovering from an orthopedic surgery or not. Many older folks like to install grab bars inside of their showers or in other places in the bathroom for extra support.
- Talk with your doctor about pain medications. You will be using these for a few weeks after surgery, so it is important to plan this part of your treatment in a way that feels comfortable for you. If some kinds of pain relievers, like aspirin-based medications, upset your stomach, your doctor will be able to trial alternatives with you before surgery.
- Move your bed to a more convenient location. If your bedroom is upstairs, you may be more comfortable sleeping on the ground floor until you have fully recovered from surgery. This is particularly true if you have to go up or down stairs to reach the bathroom.
- Arrange for someone to drive you to necessary appointments and do essential errands for you. You will not be able to drive for at least six weeks after surgery. Putting other services, like grocery delivery, in place before your operation will reduce stress during your recovery.
- Learn as much as you can about the total hip replacement surgery Baltimore MD you will be having before it is scheduled. Click here for more information.
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