Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Hip replacement doctor Baltimore: After the surgery

If you’re getting a hip replacement Baltimore, odds are that you’ve already been through a great deal. You understand what it’s like to have mobility issues, to be in pain, and to need to take frequent breaks or to abstain from the things that you enjoy doing. Fortunately through the “magic” of modern medicine, it is possible to improve the pain level, get rid of discomfort and get back to regular life through the help of a total hip replacement surgery Baltimore. This procedure is not for the faint of heart, because after it has been done there is a great deal of extensive recovery that must happen before people can get back to their lives… but it’s well worth it, as thousands of patients each year will attest to.
Since this surgery is one that requires the bulk of recovery to be done outside of the hospital, it’s important to think carefully about what will happen after the procedures have been completed in order to better prepare for the aftermath.

Recovering from a total hip replacement surgery via tips recommended by a hip replacement doctor Baltimore

First, patients need to know that they will be expected to be up and walking around with the help of an assistive device like a cane or walker within 24 hours of the surgery. This doesn’t mean that surgeons and medical teams expect their patients to be running marathons this quickly, but the return to activity is important. Having this surgery does not mean a great deal of time spent immobile while laying in bed.

When walking in the first few days and weeks after the procedure has been completed, it is important for patients to understand their own limitations. While they should be able to move comfortably around their own homes and even take short walks around their neighborhoods or in stores, there is no need to overdo it. The hip joint will still be healing, meaning that one wrong move could set patients back a great deal.

There will be no driving for at least four weeks after a total hip replacement surgery, because the positioning of getting into and out of the driver’s seat is not something that a healing hip joint can accommodate. This is another thing for patients to remember - after the surgery, their hip replacement doctor Baltimore, physical therapists and nurses will advise them on the best ways to do things like sitting, standing, laying down and getting into and out of vehicles. It is important to be mindful of the healing area, and not to do anything that will further injure it.

As time goes by, patients will notice that movement becomes easier and they can feel themselves getting stronger. These are both good signs, and are indications that the surgery was a success - which means that people have something good to look forward to in the future.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Lumbar Laminectomy and Discectomy Baltimore

Many people casually refer to the "backbone" when speaking of the bone structure in the back of the body that runs from the base of the skull to the back of the pelvis.  This is a bit of a misnomer because it is not really one bone.  The spine is made up of 26 smaller bone structures called vertebrae.  Because there are so many individual bones working together, the spine is able to bend and twist in many different directions.  In order for the vertebrae to fit and work together comfortably, they need to be cushioned. A fluid-filled disc is present in the spaces between each vertebrae in order for this to occur.

As a result of disease or trauma, the fluid in one or more spinal discs may escape and flow into the lumbar canal, which is the space that contains the spinal cord.  As nerve structures attached to the spinal cord try to exit from the spinal canal, the escaped fluid puts pressure on them and causes pain.  It can also cause numbness or weakness in the part of the body associated with the nerve.  Sometimes,  a lumbar laminectomy and discectomy Baltimore is needed to correct the problem.

What is a Lumbar Laminectomy and Discectomy?

The lumbar laminectomy and discectomy Baltimore MD ( is a surgical procedure that is intended to correct the problem with the leaking disc.  The first part the the surgery is the laminectomy, which means, essentially, removing the top-most part of a specific vertebrae in order to access the internal part of the bone and the spinal canal.  Once the nerves have been retracted to one side, it is possible for the surgeon to visualize the damaged disc.  At this point, it can be removed, thereby relieving the pressure on the nerves.
This particular surgery can be performed in two different ways.  One is called "minimally open", which involves a small, traditional surgical incision.  Another option, called "minimally invasive" allows the surgeon to use specialized tools, requiring an even smaller incision.  Many of these types of operations are performed as a day procedure, with the patient returning home after just a few hours of recovery.

Friday, September 21, 2018

What Does the Spinal Fusion Doctor Baltimore Do?

There are many excellent medical careers for individuals of any age who want to pursue work in that field.  The spinal fusion doctor Baltimore may be either a general surgeon in the area of orthopedics or neurology, or they may specialize in just spine surgery, or even just one or two kinds of spine surgery.  Those who perform spinal fusion Baltimore MD are highly trained in using bone grafting material and medical hardware to stabilize the spines of individuals who are suffering from pain or limited mobility due to any number of conditions.  This kind of doctor often enjoys helping people to feel better and have a better, more active, quality of life.

Who Does Spinal Fusion Help?

There are any number of conditions that can lead patients to seek treatment for an unstable spine.  Most often, these folks are presenting with symptoms like pain or numbness in a certain part of the body.  This is because two or more of the vertebrae, or small bones that are stacked on top of each other to make up the spinal column, are no longer fitting together properly and are subsequently putting pressure on nerve structure that are connected to the spinal cord.
These are some conditions that can cause an unstable spine.
  • Of course, a traumatic injury to the spine can cause it to become unstable immediately.  This is really the only case where a procedure for spinal fusion becomes an emergency.  In other cases, it is generally an elective procedure.
  • While infections are most common in the soft tissues of the body, they do sometimes settle deep in the bones and cause damage to their integrity.
  • Tumors of the spine often cause instability.  Sometimes, this is not apparent until the tumor has been removed and the patient notices symptoms.
  • Some specific diseases and genetic conditions cause the breakdown of the vertebrae.  These include ankylosing spondylitis and scoliosis.
  • Aging is probably the biggest single cause of spinal issues.  Bone diseases like osteoarthritis cause bone tissue and cartilage to dry out and suffer minor damage, adding up to a cumulative effect that is sometimes profound over time and will need intervention from a spinal fusion surgery Baltimore professional.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Knee replacement Baltimore is only one viable option for patients, but it’s an ideal one

Understanding knee replacement Baltimore

Whenever we walk, our knees take the brunt of the body’s weight. When we stand, sit, bend, crouch and even do things like drive or swim, our knees are heavily relied on to facilitate movement. Basically, the knees might just be two of the most important and overworked joints in the body, meaning that there is a lot that can go wrong with them. Though there are a lot of things that are going on beneath the skin of the knees, most all of them can be corrected via procedures like a total knee replacement surgery Baltimore... but a surgery of this magnitude might not be necessary right away.

Knee replacement surgery essentially rebuilds the entire knee, making it less painful, less stiff and less likely that patients will suffer knee related injuries in the future, but it also means a lot of down time, a lot of difficult recovery, and a significant amount of pain that will stem from the replacement procedure itself.

What can be done to put off knee replacement Baltimore?

For those that want to see what else may be an option without resorting to surgery, there are plenty of things that can be done to help alleviate knee pain and discomfort, and allow people to partake in the things that they enjoy.

First, using supportive devices like braces, wraps and bandages can take pressure off the knee, help to reduce swelling, and limit movement. This will help to heal partial tears of muscles and ligaments, and can keep things stabilized without restricting the use of the leg too much. This is a temporary solution, and using this type of “fix” won’t permanently improve the health of the knee, especially if it is very damaged.

Another option that many people experiencing knee pain Baltimore may choose is to get injections of substances like cortisone into the knee. This will lubricate the joint, and cushion it for up to a few months at a time, providing relief. This is typically used for people that are athletes, that experience muscle deterioration, or have issues from bones rubbing against each other… but again, it is a short term solution.

These methods can be used successfully to help people that experience knee pain get better, but for many, finding more permanent and invasive ways to help the knees will become necessary, especially for those that are active, have jobs that require movement, or have young children. Though total knee replacement Baltimore MD is often done for people that are middle aged or older, knee injuries can happen to anyone at any time.

For more information and to schedule a consultation in order to find out whether or not your situation makes you a candidate for total knee replacement surgery, visit

Saturday, September 15, 2018

A knee replacement doctor Baltimore can get patients back to their daily routines

Any injury can be a serious distraction to people of all ages, but it is especially troublesome to those that lead very active lifestyles or have jobs that require lots of movement. This is doubly true for those that experience an injury that results in the need for a total knee replacement surgery Baltimore in order to simply allow them to get from point A to point B. Maybe people have been very active, playing sports or exercising a great deal throughout their lives… or maybe, people’s jobs require a lot of movement like walking, bending or crouching… or, as a third option, perhaps people whose lifestyle and dietary habits weren’t that great as they grew up are experiencing issues now that they have gotten older.

Whatever the case may be, a knee replacement doctor Baltimore can help patients get back on track and make the most of the rest of their lives.

To understand how important and helpful getting knee replacement surgery can be, it’s imperative to learn about what the implant offers. First, with advancements in technology, a knee replacement surgery will now last for at least a decade, if not much longer. Since the total knee replacement surgery completely eliminates the natural knee joint and replaces it with an artificial one, there is no chance of natural degradation; the movements will stay as smooth and slick as possible for many years, giving people a chance to feel more comfortable and confident with each movement. A knee replacement doctor Baltimore will be able to explain all possible outcomes and options, outlining what could be the final result of such a procedure.

Though this is something to look forward to, it’s only possible if patients elect to go through with their surgery and follow all of their doctor’s and rehabilitation professional’s instructions. Since the knee is such an important joint for the body, it will take time to gradually build up strength in it after it is surgically repaired. The average recovery from a total knee replacement Baltimore surgery is at least 6 months, but some people find that even after that amount of time has passed, they will still need some more time in order to feel totally comfortable and healed.

After the surgery, patients will need to wait until the surgical site has begun to heal on the outside in order to begin using it. For many, a restrictive brace will be used in the first few weeks in order to promote slight movements and stretches but to keep people from doing too much. These types of braces can be adjusted to allow for a wider range of motion as people heal, and eventually, it can be removed. While full bending and stretching won’t be possible for a while, the freedom to move the knee as patients wish s a very freeing sensation, and although many knee replacement surgery Baltimore patients utilize a cane or crutches throughout their rehabilitation to prevent putting too much weight on the repaired knee, the need for these things will fade over time too, as people become stronger and much more capable.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Osteoarthritis and Hip Replacement Surgery Baltimore

While there are a few different conditions that may lead patients to choose hip replacement surgery Baltimore, osteoarthritis is by far the most common of them.  While arthritis, generally speaking, indicates inflammation in the joints, osteoarthritis is less about inflammation and more about simple wear and tear on the joints as folks get older.  It is not so much a "disease", per se, as it is a fact of aging (which, incidentally, is the biggest risk factor for osteoarthritis).

As people age, all of their tissues become more dry and less elastic.  This is especially true of cartilage, which is the special tissue that is positioned at the moving parts of all joints in the body.  As the cartilage dries out, it also becomes eroded by the ongoing movement of the joint.  If the patient lives long enough, there may eventually be no cartilage remaining at all, resulting in a painful bone-on-bone situation.

Why Hip Replacement Surgery?

While osteoarthritis can occur in any joint in the body, it is most common in the weight-bearing joints.  These include the knees and hips.  Therefore, these two large joints are the most common targets of complete joint replacements.

As people in the United States are living longer and longer and expecting a better quality of life as a result of rapidly advancing medical technologies and materials, more individuals are receiving hip replacement surgery Baltimore MD  In fact, more than half a million people will get hip replacements just this year.

Recommendations for surgery are typically made after other, less invasive treatments of osteoarthritis have been tried.  These may include lifestyle changes like weight loss, certain pain medications, and even steroidal medications being injected directly into the painful joint.

Doctors try to encourage patients to wait as long as possible before having a joint replacement because eventually, all artificial joint devices will fail.  The goal is to have the life of the implant be longer than the life of the patient, or to have the patient undergo as few subsequent replacement surgeries as possible within their lifetime.  In the end, though, this is a wonderful option for individuals suffering from chronic pain or lack of mobility due to osteoarthritis, and will continue to improve as hip replacement surgery Baltimore procedures continue to improve.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Possible Complications of Hip Replacement Surgery Baltimore

More than half a million people in the United States will have hip replacement surgery Baltimore this year.  For the most part, orthopedic surgeries are among the most common and safest operations available.  Most individuals who receive an artificial hip joint will go on to experience a greatly improved quality of life, with reduced pain and increased mobility.

Hip Replacement Surgery Complications

In a few cases of hip replacement surgery Baltimore MD, there will be one or more complications.
  • Inflammation and swelling are pretty normal after an orthopedic surgery.  These symptoms are normally relatively transient and can be adequately controlled with medications and hot or cold packs.  When inflammation persists over more than a few weeks, however, it is possibly a sign of infection and should be evaluated.
  • A sudden increase in tenderness in the calf of either leg can indicate a blood clot.  Blood clots sometimes form after surgery because the patient is not moving around enough.  A suspected blood clot is a medical emergency because it can be fatal if it travels to the heart.
  • One leg may end up being shorter than the other.  It is sometimes necessary for surgeons to make the operative leg a slightly different length in order to optimize the fit of the prosthetic joint.  The disparity in length between the patient's two legs is often corrected easily with orthotic shoe inserts.
  • Individuals who had very limited flexibility in their hip joint before surgery are more likely to develop scar tissue around the prosthetic device.  This can lead to possibly having less post-surgical mobility than a typical patient.
  • Many hip replacement procedures use a specialized bone cement to fix the prosthesis in place.   A limited number of patients have an allergy to this medical adhesive.
  • In very rare cases, folks experience more hip pain after their surgery.  This is considered a clinical failure of the surgery, and may require a revision of the hip replacement.  About 11% of hip replacement patients are re-admitted to the hospital after their initial discharge.
  • Overall, this type of surgery is very safe, with less than 1% of patients dying for any reason related directly to the operation.