Saturday, September 15, 2018

A knee replacement doctor Baltimore can get patients back to their daily routines

Any injury can be a serious distraction to people of all ages, but it is especially troublesome to those that lead very active lifestyles or have jobs that require lots of movement. This is doubly true for those that experience an injury that results in the need for a total knee replacement surgery Baltimore in order to simply allow them to get from point A to point B. Maybe people have been very active, playing sports or exercising a great deal throughout their lives… or maybe, people’s jobs require a lot of movement like walking, bending or crouching… or, as a third option, perhaps people whose lifestyle and dietary habits weren’t that great as they grew up are experiencing issues now that they have gotten older.

Whatever the case may be, a knee replacement doctor Baltimore can help patients get back on track and make the most of the rest of their lives.

To understand how important and helpful getting knee replacement surgery can be, it’s imperative to learn about what the implant offers. First, with advancements in technology, a knee replacement surgery will now last for at least a decade, if not much longer. Since the total knee replacement surgery completely eliminates the natural knee joint and replaces it with an artificial one, there is no chance of natural degradation; the movements will stay as smooth and slick as possible for many years, giving people a chance to feel more comfortable and confident with each movement. A knee replacement doctor Baltimore will be able to explain all possible outcomes and options, outlining what could be the final result of such a procedure.

Though this is something to look forward to, it’s only possible if patients elect to go through with their surgery and follow all of their doctor’s and rehabilitation professional’s instructions. Since the knee is such an important joint for the body, it will take time to gradually build up strength in it after it is surgically repaired. The average recovery from a total knee replacement Baltimore surgery is at least 6 months, but some people find that even after that amount of time has passed, they will still need some more time in order to feel totally comfortable and healed.

After the surgery, patients will need to wait until the surgical site has begun to heal on the outside in order to begin using it. For many, a restrictive brace will be used in the first few weeks in order to promote slight movements and stretches but to keep people from doing too much. These types of braces can be adjusted to allow for a wider range of motion as people heal, and eventually, it can be removed. While full bending and stretching won’t be possible for a while, the freedom to move the knee as patients wish s a very freeing sensation, and although many knee replacement surgery Baltimore patients utilize a cane or crutches throughout their rehabilitation to prevent putting too much weight on the repaired knee, the need for these things will fade over time too, as people become stronger and much more capable.

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