Monday, October 22, 2018

Nutrition Advice from a Hip Replacement Doctor Baltimore

The hip replacement doctor Baltimore is bound to see all kinds of cases during an average career.  These will include patients who have had traumatic injuries, those who have suffered from chronic bone diseases, and also some who might have avoided surgery with better lifestyle choices.  One major way people can influence their bone health is through nutrition.  Most people don't really learn about nutrition in school, and in many homes, there is no particular emphasis one any type of food being better than another.  People grow up thinking pizza for dinner is just as good as a grilled chicken breast with fruit and vegetables.

Food Advice from a Hip Replacement Doctor Baltimore MD

Mostly because of advertisements for for milk and other dairy products, many people know that calcium and vitamin D are good for building strong bones.  The hip surgery doctor Baltimore ( knows that many other nutrients are also essential for overall bone health.
  • Fast food really is very unhealthy most of the time.  Not only is it full of extra calories and bad fats, but it is typically fried and served with white bread and potatoes that add very little nutritional value.  If eating fast food is the only option available, choosing a grilled meat on a wheat bun topped with lettuce, tomato and onions would be the best choice.  Skip the special sauces.
  • Vitamin C has recently been found to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which is a loss of bone mass in older people.  Oranges and orange juice are wonderful sources of vitamin C.
  • Intake of vitamins and minerals can be increased simply by eating vegetables and fruits in multiple colors.  It is easy to choose a rainbow of foods from the produce aisle.
  • Lettuce, broccoli, spinach, kale and parsley all contain calcium and are good choices for those who do not like dairy products.  People with lactose intolerance will need to mindfully add other specific sources of calcium to their diet in order to consume the recommended daily amount.
  • Certain supplements can help to maintain bone health.  Glucosamine is one of these.  It is easily found in drug stores or even supermarkets.

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