Sunday, January 28, 2018

A Procedure to Heal Painful Small Back Bones Baltimore MD

Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens the bones and sometimes causes them to collapse.  It has a number of known causes, including smoking, low hormone levels or menopause, low body weight, age, being female and the long-term use of certain medications.  Prevention of osteoporosis can include hormone supplementation, exercise, calcium supplements, vitamin D supplements and exercise.  There are also some medications that are specifically meant to prevent or stop the progression of osteoporosis.  Preventing this bone disease is often difficult because most often, individuals are not aware they have it until a bone fracture occurs.  One of the most common areas for the fracture to happen is in the small bones that make up the spine.  Symptoms of these fractures may include a loss of height and an accompanying stooped posture, or a backache or more severe back pain.

Heal Painful Small Back Bones Baltimore MD

Once this type of break in the small bones of the the spine, also called a compression fracture, has occurred, there is obviously a need for a Procedure to heal painful small back bones Baltimore MD.  Often, compression fractures caused by osteoporosis can be healed without surgery.  A few non-surgical interventions are discussed here:
  • Since compression fractures most often heal on their own within three to four months, one goal of treatment is to control pain while the healing occurs.  Over-the-counter pain medications can sometimes be sufficient for this purpose.  It is always best to check with a doctor before taking any medication to find out which one they recommend.  If OTC medications are not strong enough to relieve the pain, the doctor may prescribe a stronger medicine for a short period of time.
  • A compression fracture will require an adjustment to activity levels for a few weeks.  Bed rest may be recommended for a short period of time to avoid aggravating the painful small back bones Baltimore MD.  After a few days, it is important to resume some light exercise because bones are further weakened by just lying around all of the time.
  • physical therapy program might be prescribed for some individuals who have suffered a compression fracture.

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