Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Find a Great Spinal Fusion Doctor Baltimore

Spine and neck surgeries, while becoming safer and more common all of the time, are still very delicate procedures that call for extreme precision and skill on the part of the surgeon.  This surgery is, after all, going to be altering the way that soft structures of the spinal column are contained within the vertebrae.  Clearly, mistakes in this kind of procedure have the potential to result in clinical failure of the surgery.  Clinical failure means that the patient's pain is not reduced enough to have made undertaking the surgery worthwhile for them.  Unfortunately, surgery sometimes even results in an increased level of pain and disability for the patient.  So, it is incredibly important for individuals who are considering this kind of operation to find the best possible spinal fusion doctor Baltimore.

Find the Best Spinal Fusion Doctor

Here are some tips on finding a great surgeon for those who are seeking a spinal fusion doctor Baltimore MD (
  • Don't rely on online rating sites.  In the age of continual connection to the internet, there are literally hundreds of sites that rate medical professionals.  If one looks closely at the ratings, however, it is possible to notice that a lot of the factors going into the overall rating score are somewhat peripheral to the actual skill of the doctor.  Knowing how long the waiting time is to see the doctor is helpful.  It is not, however, related to whether that physician has the skill to surgically reduce the patient's back pain.
  • Make a short list of surgeons to personally interview.  Check their credentials when making the list.  Their qualifications need to include being board certified and having completed a fellowship in spine surgery.
  • Once the "short list" of possible surgeons is complete, interview each one of them individually.  Do not be afraid to ask very pointed questions like how many times they have performed the procedure.  Be informed on facts like the average success rate for the spinal fusion procedure in question.  Ask each surgeon how their individual success rate compares with the average.
  • Ask to talk to other patients who have had the same surgical procedure with the surgeon under consideration.  This will require the doctor's office to obtain a release of information from that patient.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Supporting a Loved One During Total Hip Replacement Surgery Baltimore

Orthopedic surgeries are among the most common and safest operations performed today in the United States.  This year, over 300,ooo people will have a total hip replacement surgery Baltimore.  That number is more than double the number of these procedures that were performed in the year 2000.  It is believed that the increase in the number of surgeries performed is due to advances in medical technology that have made recovery so much easier.  Therefore, many friends and loved ones are in the position of supporting a patient who is receiving a total hip replacement surgery Baltimore MD (  This short article is intended to help these support persons think about how to help effectively.

Helping the total hip replacement surgery patient

Don't wait until it is time for your friend or loved one to be discharged from the hospital to start thinking about organizing their recovery.  There are many things that can be done before surgery to make things go smoothly after discharge.  The first few days and weeks after discharge can be more stressful than expected.
  • Most orthopedic surgery facilities offer some educational programs designed to help surgery patients know what to expect throughout the procedure and recovery.  If you can, accompany the patient to these events and help them gather literature and take notes.  Having as much information as possible will make you a better support for them.
  • Discuss with the patient what can realistically happen after discharge.  Your friend or relative may want to go directly home.  If you and other members of your circle have fairly open availability to help them, it may be possible.  Going home may also be possible for folks who have arranged some assistance from a home care agency.  In either case, the recovery support plan needs to be in place before discharge.  Those who cannot assemble a sufficient support system at home will need to be discharged to a rehabilitation facility until they are able to care for themselves.
  • Most hip replacement patients are not able to drive for a few weeks after surgery.  Transportation options should be explored as a part of discharge planning.  Can you be available as a driver?  If not, a trial run with a taxi company or private transportation service would be in order as a part of planning.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Anesthesia Options for Hip Replacement Surgery Baltimore

Many medical procedures, including surgeries, include more choices for patients.  Some options may lead to shorter recovery times, less side effects, and better overall patient outcomes.  So, what anesthesia options are available for a  hip replacement surgery Baltimore?

Hip Replacement Surgery Procedures

There are two types of anesthetic that may be used for either a traditional hip surgery or a minimally invasive one.  Most patients will opt for a general anesthetic that will render them unconscious and unaware of anything that happens during the procedure.  A spinal anesthetic is another option for individuals who, for whatever reason, are not suitable candidates for general anesthesia.  The spinal block involves using a needle and a catheter to introduce a powerful nerve block to the spinal cord.  It removes all feeling below the location where the block has been placed.  It is used for some individuals who have heart and respiratory and other conditions that make general anesthetic particularly risky.

General anesthetic carries some risk for all surgical patients, regardless of whether or not they have previously been anesthetized successfully.  While administering the combinations of drugs used to induce a coma-like state is a very precise science, each individual case is different because of the completely unique history of each patient having a hip replacement surgery Baltimore MD ( Even very healthy and fit patients very occasionally have a poor outcome with general anesthetic, such as a heart attack or stroke.  The is also a very tiny fraction of a percentage of surgical patients who simply cannot be made to regain consciousness once they have been put under.

Some patients are particularly afraid of being "put to sleep" and may choose a spinal block in order to avoid this scenario.  The spinal anesthetic is not without risks.  Each time this type of anesthetic is administered, there is some risk of damage to the spinal cord and some subsequent degree of paralysis as a result.  It also goes somewhat without saying, though, that most individuals respond with a firm "no thank you" when asked if they would prefer to be awake for their orthopedic surgery procedure.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Is Spinal Fusion Baltimore MD Over-used?

spinal fusion Baltimore MD surgical procedure can be a blessing for individuals suffering from back pain resulting from osteoarthritis or other degenerative bone conditions that cause changes in the vertebrae (which are the small bones in the back).  Surgery, though, like many other services that used to be largely altruistic, has, in recent years, become a consumer product.  Therefore, it is just as important for the buyer to beware when considering surgical procedures as they do when buying used cars.  Lumbar spinal fusion for lower back pain has increased by almost 70% in recent years.  This short article is intended to help consumers of medical services determine when a service may benefit them as opposed to when it is being offered to financially benefit the provider.

Ask Questions about Spinal Fusion Baltimore

The decision to have an elective surgery like lumbar spinal fusion Baltimore should not be hurried by authoritarian providers.   Doctors who want to prescribe surgery as a first-line treatment for lower or other back pain should be avoided.  Well-trained, ethical practitioners will try multiple, non-invasive treatments for back pain before offering surgery as an alternative.  Many patients are surprised to see how much improvement they experience by simply learning and consistently practicing an exercise routine designed by a physical therapist.

Another red flag to look out for with regard to a recommendations of back surgery is location.  While that sounds very strange, it is true.  Medical care and the actions of insurance companies have long been the focus of politicians, who sometimes base entire campaign strategies around them, especially when it comes to "reaching out" to potential voters. Public health researchers conducted longitudinal studies of the rates of spinal surgery in different parts of the United States.  They found the highest rates of these kinds of surgeries in Florida.  Medicare recipients in Florida received surgery to treat back pain at a rate of 127.5 per 100,000 beneficiaries.  This was more than 12 times the rate for individuals in the part of the country who received surgery as an intervention at the lowest rate.  Only 9.2 of 100,00 Medicare recipients in Maine received a surgical intervention.  Based on these numbers, it is easy to see that, perhaps, spinal surgeries are more aggressively marketed in parts of the U.S. where older folks who are likely to have more back pain are expected to live. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Lumbar Laminectomy Recovery Baltimore

The lumbar laminectomy is a surgery that can help individuals who have suffered from severe lower back pain without being able to find relief from non-surgical interventions.  How lumbar laminectomy recovery Baltimore goes is largely dependent on how extensive the surgical procedure was.  Those who have had some bone material removed along with a spinal fusion procedure will be likely to spend at least one or two days in the hospital.  Individuals having only a small amount of bone material removed from a very specific area might have their procedure as a day surgery.  Many amazing advances in medical imaging and surgical techniques have allowed more and more back surgery patients to spend less and less time as inpatients.
Lumbar Laminectomy Recovery
Because more and more patients are able to go home from the hospital sooner, this brings up the question of what kind of help they might need at home.  These are a few points to consider for family members and friends who are supporting a patients during lumbar laminectomy recovery Baltimore MD:
  • Make sure to understand the procedure.  There will be different post-surgical limitations depending upon the complexity of the surgery.  Knowing what they are will facilitate the provision of appropriate support.
  • Take care of as many things as possible before the surgery occurs.  Find directions to the surgical center.  Help the patient clean their house and do yard work, or hire people to do these things.  Stock up on healthy food that is not too hard to prepare.
  • Ask staff members at the surgical center to review discharge instructions.  Have the patient sign a release to allow their information to be discussed by staff.  Knowing exactly what is going on with their case is an important part of providing care and support.
  • Some people leave the surgical center with wound drains or other medical equipment.  Ask staff to provide training on how to assist in these situations.  If the individual will need adaptive equipment like a walker or crutches, obtain these from a a pharmacy or orthopedic supply company before the surgery.
  • Stay calm and be patient.  Some surgeries take longer than expected.  It is okay to ask questions at any time.

Learn more and find a medical team that can perform this type of procedure by visiting

Monday, June 18, 2018

About Knee Replacement Surgery Baltimore

The knee replacement surgery Baltimore is a marvel of modern orthopedic medicine that has allowed many individuals to remain active into their very late senior years.  It has been available since the beginning of the 1970's, and is becoming more advanced with each passing year.
Knee Replacement Surgery:  What to Expect
Not everyone who has knee pain will be a candidate for knee replacement surgery Baltimore MD.  There are many less invasive treatments like cortisone-type injections and physical therapy that are very effective for a large number of individuals.  Those who are eventually referred for surgery can expect their procedure to go something like this:

  • The surgeon will make an incision that exposes the patella, more commonly known as the knee cap.  The size of the incisions will depend upon whether it is a traditional surgery or a minimally invasive surgery.
  • The patella is then rotated to expose the rest of the knee joint structures.
  • Careful measurements are taken so that the surgeon will be able to build an artificial knee joint that will fit exactly in the patient's body.  Once the measurements are finished, the upper part of the joint is removed and the femur is resurfaced in order to accept implantation of the medical hardware.
  • The upper component of the artificial knee joint is attached to the femur using medical cement.
  • Next, the lower part of the damaged joint is removed and the tibia, one of the lower leg bones, is resurfaced to accept the transplant hardware.  The lower part of the artificial knee joint is then cemented to the tibia.
  • A plastic component is attached to the patella.  This piece will allow the natural bone structure to integrate with the artificial structures.  The surgeon will check the new joint to make sure it is functioning properly before putting the patella back in place.
  • Before the surgeon closes the incision, they will check the joint again to make sure it bends and functions properly.  When those things are done, the patient is sent to the recovery room to wake up from the anesthetic.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Early Intervention Procedure for Severe Back Pain Baltimore MD

Many folks who suffer from chronic back pain have a lot of fear around seeking a procedure for severe back pain baltimore MD.  While various types of invasive surgeries are sometimes suggested for individuals who are suffering from very severe pain for a very long time, these procedures are generally elective and are not the first line of treatment.  There are a number of less invasive interventions that may be prescribed prior to opening up the option of a complicated surgical procedure that will require a long recovery period.  Some early interventions even consist of self care that can be done at home without significant involvement in the medical system. Different measures will work better for different cases, so exploring all possible options is recommended. 

Self Care for Severe Back Pain Baltimore MD

Some people are surprised by the amount of relief they find by utilizing some of these simple and inexpensive interventions for their back pain.  Sometimes, a combination of one or more of these is a better answer than just one of them.  Because there are minimal risks associated with these interventions, it is okay to try them out as desired and discontinue them if they are not effective.  So, what are the most effective home/self-care procedures for severe back pain Baltimore?
  • Take a rest.  Many individuals who experience chronic back pain report that it remits to at least some degree with a short period of resting, up to a few days.  It is important, though, not to remain sedentary too long because.  A lack of physical activity can lead to muscle atrophy that can, in some cases, worsen symptoms.
  • Modify activity.  If a certain activity is found to significantly worsen back pain, it may be necessary to alter how that activity is performed.  In the case of work activities, employers may be required by law to offer reasonable accommodations to individuals who are chronically bothered by back pain.
  • Heat and ice therapy can be surprisingly effective.  Inexpensive and accessible sources of heat therapy include baths, hot water bottles, heating pads and chemically activated wraps.  Ice packs that can be frozen and attached to the body with velcro straps are available at most drug stores.  The cost of a heat or cold pack may even be covered by some insurance companies.