Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Lumbar Laminectomy Recovery Baltimore

The lumbar laminectomy is a surgery that can help individuals who have suffered from severe lower back pain without being able to find relief from non-surgical interventions.  How lumbar laminectomy recovery Baltimore goes is largely dependent on how extensive the surgical procedure was.  Those who have had some bone material removed along with a spinal fusion procedure will be likely to spend at least one or two days in the hospital.  Individuals having only a small amount of bone material removed from a very specific area might have their procedure as a day surgery.  Many amazing advances in medical imaging and surgical techniques have allowed more and more back surgery patients to spend less and less time as inpatients.
Lumbar Laminectomy Recovery
Because more and more patients are able to go home from the hospital sooner, this brings up the question of what kind of help they might need at home.  These are a few points to consider for family members and friends who are supporting a patients during lumbar laminectomy recovery Baltimore MD:
  • Make sure to understand the procedure.  There will be different post-surgical limitations depending upon the complexity of the surgery.  Knowing what they are will facilitate the provision of appropriate support.
  • Take care of as many things as possible before the surgery occurs.  Find directions to the surgical center.  Help the patient clean their house and do yard work, or hire people to do these things.  Stock up on healthy food that is not too hard to prepare.
  • Ask staff members at the surgical center to review discharge instructions.  Have the patient sign a release to allow their information to be discussed by staff.  Knowing exactly what is going on with their case is an important part of providing care and support.
  • Some people leave the surgical center with wound drains or other medical equipment.  Ask staff to provide training on how to assist in these situations.  If the individual will need adaptive equipment like a walker or crutches, obtain these from a a pharmacy or orthopedic supply company before the surgery.
  • Stay calm and be patient.  Some surgeries take longer than expected.  It is okay to ask questions at any time.

Learn more and find a medical team that can perform this type of procedure by visiting

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