Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Pain During Lumbar Laminectomy Recovery Baltimore

The recovery process after a back surgery that removes or fuses bone structures in the spine usually takes a few weeks and involves managing a fair amount of post-operative pain.  At first, just moving around in bed can cause a lot of pain.  As lumbar laminectomy recovery Baltimore proceeds, simple tasks will become easier to perform without a prohibitive amount of pain and more difficult tasks, for example, getting in and out of a vehicle, will continue to need perseverance and stamina.

Managing Pain Effectively in Lumbar Laminectomy Recovery

While contemporary surgical techniques have made the recovery process more comfortable and manageable, some pain and fatigue are to be expected when getting over a back surgery that alters the bone structures in the spine.  Anyone who has experienced an extended bout of acute pain knows that this part of recovery is no picnic.  It makes patients unhappy and irritable, and may aggravate co-existing conditions like depression.  People who are in pain often have very little appetite and fail to consume necessary nutrients to support healing.
These ideas often help manage pain during lumbar laminectomy recovery Baltimore MD:
  • Discuss pain management with the surgical and treatment team before the surgery occurs.  If the physician or other team members seem reluctant to provide adequate pain medication after surgery, find another team.  While addiction to strong pain medication has become a major issue in medical practice, it is not a reason to withhold appropriate pain management to surgical patients in normal circumstances.
  • Use pain management medications to "stay ahead of the pain".  In other words, it is necessary to take medication before pain becomes out of control and unbearable.  When one dose of medication seems to be wearing off, go ahead and take another one, within the limits of the prescribing order.  Take pain medication before physical therapy or other demanding activities, so as not to derail or delay the recovery process.
  • Along with pain, those in recovery from back surgery will experience fatigue.  The fatigue indicates that the body is using energy to heal, and to deal with increased levels of pain.  While activity and exercise are important to recovery, so is rest.  There is no shame in taking a rest when the fatigue is too much to work through. If this pain and fatigue persists, contact your surgeon or medical team, as they will be able to help guide your recovery further. 

Monday, August 27, 2018

Types of Lumbar Laminectomy Baltimore MD

lumbar laminectomy Baltimore MD is a type of back surgery that is performed on the lower spine in order to relieve excessive compression on the spinal cord that is resulting in symptoms like back pain and numbness in the lower extremities.  The main intervention provided by this surgery is the removal of a part of one or more of the vertebrae, or perhaps the removal of bone spurs.  Bone spurs are bony material that has grown in places where it should not be as a result of various, related health conditions.

Surgical Varieties of Lumbar Laminectomy Baltimore
  • The simplest kind of lumbar laminectomy Baltimore is performed just to relieve pressure on some part of the spinal cord.  When this procedure is performed on the lower back, it is called a posterior lumbar laminectomy for decompression.  This surgery removes the lamina from one or more of the vertebrae to make more room for the spinal cord.
  • Another, more complicated, version of this surgery is the posterior lumbar laminectomy with instrumentation and fusion.  In this operation, the surgeon not only removes pieces of bone, but also adds grafted bone material to fuse parts of the spine together.  Instrumentation, which is medical-grade hardware like rods and screws, may also be added if it is felt the fusion might not be strong enough on its own.  The word "posterior" indicates that this surgery is performed through and incision in the patient's back.
  • The posterior laminectomy with fusion and without instrumentation is the exact same surgery as mentioned directly above, except without the addition of any medical hardware.  When the spinal fusion is performed for either of these two surgeries, it is necessary to have bone grafting material available.  The grafting material is often obtained from the femur, which is the large thigh bone in the patient's own body.  Patients who do not wish to have an additional surgery on their thigh may use donor material from a cadaver if compatible tissue is available.  This option carries more risks because it exposes the patient to diseases the donor may have been carrying.  There is also a slight risk of the body rejecting the bone graft.
To find out more, visit

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Home Remedy Procedure for Severe Back Pain Baltimore MD

Any kind of health problem, expected or unexpected, can be very frightening.  A sudden or ongoing bout of back pain that limits the ability to work and engage in enjoyable leisure activities is no exception.  In the absence of concrete information, the mind can easily conjure up visions of painful surgery, a long, difficult recovery and even permanent disability.  Even worse scenarios, such as a complete loss of physical independence, might come to mind.
For individuals who are worried about what procedure for severe back pain Baltimore MD may be needed for their recovery, there is good news.  The majority of back pain complaints respond to non-surgical, non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments.  There are even some home remedies that can be very effective when used consistently.

Procedure for Severe Back Pain:  Treating It at Home

While it is important to seek advice from a physician before initiating any home treatment for a medical condition, it is not unreasonable to indicate a preference to try home remedies before implementing a clinical intervention.  These are a few simple treatments that have often been effective as a procedure for severe back pain Baltimore (
  • It is important not to underestimate the power of the most simple home remedies for pain.  The source of most back pain is inflammation; so, the goal should be to reduce the inflammation in the area of the pain.  A few days of rest and relaxation is a good starting point.  Adding an ice pack to the impacted area and taking a mild, over-the-counter, anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen can make a world of difference for many folks.
  • Too many people sleep on worn out mattresses.  Many also do not get the mattress that has the correct firmness to let the spine rest easily and remain in alignment.  Changing to a new mattress is not cheap.  Yet, it is cheaper and also much less painful than back surgery.
  • Some at-home habits that can help decrease back pain are completely free.  Practicing good posture is one of these.  For individuals who work at home, making sure the work station is set up to support good posture is a must.
If these things don't work, consider seeking out the advice of a posterior lumbar fusion Baltimore MD specialist. 

Monday, August 20, 2018

How hip replacement surgery Baltimore can change a patient’s life

Thinking of a hip replacement surgery Baltimore? There are a ton of reasons to go through with it!

Losing mobility is something that people don’t look forward to. Although we all understand that getting older comes with many new challenges, the pain and discomfort associated with health changes like back problems, knee pain and hip discomfort can be troubling. One solution for patients that are struggling with hip pain and issues is to get a consultation and see if a total hip replacement is the right choice, because this surgery can help immensely in many ways.

First, the surgery will help people get around easier. Yes, there is going to be a lot of time that is spent rehabbing and getting the replacement hip into functional shape, but this time will be well worth it. The months spent strengthening the hip will also help to improve other areas of the body including the knees and the lower back. Being able to move more freely and comfortably is a luxury that many patients with hip pain are not accustomed to having.

The total hip replacement surgery Baltimore helps the knees and lower legs just as much as it helps the hip. This is because when people experience hip pain, they often favor the injured side of the body, and shift weight or plant their feet in ways that will take pressure and focus off of the ailing area. Once this has been eliminated, the way that people stand, walk and even do things like dance will change, making it less impacting on the other areas of the body.

We cannot avoid using our hips and legs when we do things like stand, sit, walk, lay down and drive, so we need them to be as healthy and pain free as possible. A total hip replacement doctor Baltimore will help patients achieve their goals, making it easier to do these activities on a day to day basis. People often adjust their routines gradually without even realizing it, so being able to go back to “normal” or even closer to normal will help other parts of the body reset and feel comfortable.

Most importantly, getting a surgery of this nature will allow patients to get back to doing the things that they love. Exercising, golfing, walking, and even household chores like gardening or cleaning can all be very difficult when suffering from hip pain, and even though this surgery cannot guarantee 100% recovery and mobility, it will improve a patient’s lifestyle and abilities tremendously as long as the suggested healing and recovery regimen is followed.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Tips from a knee replacement doctor Baltimore to ensure speedy and thorough healing

A knee replacement doctor Baltimore is a good source of information

Since most people have never been though a surgery that is as extensive as a total knee replacement, the procedure itself as well as the follow up are often difficult to imagine and even harder to prepare for. Thankfully, so many of these procedures are done on a yearly basis that many medical professionals like a knee replacement doctor Baltimore are pros at giving patients tips, tricks and suggestions in order to make the recovery process after having a total knee replacement much simpler and easier to manage.

Preparing and recovering from a knee surgery: Information from a knee replacement doctor Baltimore

First, since this surgery will severely limit movement once patients have been released to their homes, it is important to have someone that can be there with them for the first week. This doesn’t mean that patients will need constant supervision, but having a friend or a loved one there to help patients stand, sit down, lay down and get to and from the bathroom as well as to prepare meals and provide support can be a true asset. As time passes and patients become more mobile, they will need less and less help.

It is also important to choose a location in the home that provides easy access to a place to sleep as well as a simple trip to and from the bathroom. For those with multi-level homes, many knee replacement surgery patients choose to spend the first week after their surgeries on the lower levels of their home, sleeping in a spare bedroom or on a comfortable piece of furniture that allows patients to elevate their knee and leg whenever possible.

As each day after a total knee replacement surgery passes, patients will notice that they experience less pain, and that their knees feel more and more like they should. While the surgery will weaken the knee joint, the use of physical therapy and strengthening exercises can help it come back as time goes by. Each day should be a challenge, but patients should not push themselves past their breaking points, as this can elevate the risk of re-injuring themselves.

For any additional questions that patients have, it is a good idea to reach out directly to medical professionals - or even to look online at sites like to get more information about surgical procedures, different hospitals, and other tips and tricks that can help patients return to maximum health and knee strength and abilities over time.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Important Facts about Spinal Fusion Recovery Baltimore

Orthopedic surgeries are some of the safest and most common medical procedures performed in the United States today.  Because there have been so many advances in medical technology and materials science over the past hundred years or so, it is no longer necessary for individuals who have lived into their elder years to suffer from pain or disability due to an unstable spine.  It is usual for individuals who have chosen a spinal fusion surgery to receive a lot of information about the surgical procedure itself, the risks of the procedure, and the types of outcomes and benefits that might eventually be expected.  It is equally important that these patients are given complete information about spinal fusion recovery Baltimore.

Spinal Fusion Recovery:  Basic Facts for Patients
  • A significant period of recovery can be expected after this kind of spinal surgery Baltimore.  Most individuals spend three to four days in the hospital.  Many patients go to a rehabilitation facility after discharge from the hospital because they need significant help with activities of daily living like bathing and cooking.  Some are able to return home in the presence of natural or hired supports.
  • The surgery is performed in order to stabilize the spine by fusing two or more of the small bones that are stacked on top of one another to form the rigid (but flexible) part of the spine into a single piece of bone.  While some surgical hardware such as rods and screws may be placed in order to provide immediate stability, the bone graft that was placed in the spine will need several weeks to "take".  This means that activities may be somewhat limited during the initial recovery period.
  • Those who have had an autograft, meaning that the bone graft material was taken from their own body, usually the femur, need to be mindful of wound care for this secondary surgical site as well as the primary one.  Those who have had an allograft, meaning the placement of bone graft material from a cadaver-donor, may need follow-up testing to make sure they did not contract any blood-borne diseases from the donor tissue.
Click here to learn more about recovery from spinal fusion surgery Baltimore MD.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Bone Grafting for Spinal Fusion Baltimore MD

So many seemingly miraculous things are possible through the contemporary system of medical services.  A hundred years ago, fusing together two or more vertebrae in the spine to make a singular piece of bone as an intervention for chronic back pain would have been unthinkable.  The spinal fusion Baltimore MD surgery is now quite common and safe for many back pain patients who have not found another workable treatment.  While there are several variations on this surgery that depend on the location of the back pain and the preference of the patient and the surgeon, among other factors, one commonality of all spinal fusion Baltimore surgeries, as the name suggests, is fusion.

How is Spinal Fusion Achieved?

One of the major elements of this type of surgery is using a bone graft to fuse together the vertebrae as necessary.  It goes without saying that many potential patients of this procedure might have questions about bone grafting.  This short article is intended to explain, briefly how much a spinal fusion surgery Baltimore can be done.

At the present time, there are two basic ways to obtain a bone graft for use in fusing the spine.
  • An autograft means that the bone material used for the graft comes from the patient's own body.  Most often, the surgeon will make an incision in the thigh and take the bone material from the femur, which is the long bone located at the top of the leg.  This is the best way to obtain bone material that will be readily accepted as a graft in the spinal area.  Unfortunately, it does mean the patient will have another surgical site and another set of wound care issues during recovery.
  • In some cases, the bone graft comes from a deceased individual who has donated their body for medical use.  Understandably, not all patients are anxious to have tissue from a cadaver implanted into their body for a variety of reasons.  The allograft (as this procedure is called) does carry some risks.  These include the possibility of the patient's body rejecting the implanted bone material and also a possibility of transferring some communicable diseases from the cadaver to the patient.
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