Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Tips from a knee replacement doctor Baltimore to ensure speedy and thorough healing

A knee replacement doctor Baltimore is a good source of information

Since most people have never been though a surgery that is as extensive as a total knee replacement, the procedure itself as well as the follow up are often difficult to imagine and even harder to prepare for. Thankfully, so many of these procedures are done on a yearly basis that many medical professionals like a knee replacement doctor Baltimore are pros at giving patients tips, tricks and suggestions in order to make the recovery process after having a total knee replacement much simpler and easier to manage.

Preparing and recovering from a knee surgery: Information from a knee replacement doctor Baltimore

First, since this surgery will severely limit movement once patients have been released to their homes, it is important to have someone that can be there with them for the first week. This doesn’t mean that patients will need constant supervision, but having a friend or a loved one there to help patients stand, sit down, lay down and get to and from the bathroom as well as to prepare meals and provide support can be a true asset. As time passes and patients become more mobile, they will need less and less help.

It is also important to choose a location in the home that provides easy access to a place to sleep as well as a simple trip to and from the bathroom. For those with multi-level homes, many knee replacement surgery patients choose to spend the first week after their surgeries on the lower levels of their home, sleeping in a spare bedroom or on a comfortable piece of furniture that allows patients to elevate their knee and leg whenever possible.

As each day after a total knee replacement surgery passes, patients will notice that they experience less pain, and that their knees feel more and more like they should. While the surgery will weaken the knee joint, the use of physical therapy and strengthening exercises can help it come back as time goes by. Each day should be a challenge, but patients should not push themselves past their breaking points, as this can elevate the risk of re-injuring themselves.

For any additional questions that patients have, it is a good idea to reach out directly to medical professionals - or even to look online at sites like to get more information about surgical procedures, different hospitals, and other tips and tricks that can help patients return to maximum health and knee strength and abilities over time.

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